Eryk Lipiński

Founder of the Museum of Caricature in 1983. Caricaturist, satirist, journalist, graphic designer, poster designer, illustrator, author of satirical texts and books about the history of caricature and satirical drawings.

In 1935, together with Zbigniew Mitzner, founded a satirical weekly “Szpilki” which was associated with the left-wing circles. “Szpilki” continued to be published after the war until 1994.

Tempting the New Year 1936
„Szpilki” 1936.

Simpson and Dalila
Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson
„Szpilki”, 1936.

Cover of „Szpilki”, 1948.

Change of Guard
Clement Atlee and Winston Churchill
„Szpilki”, 1951.

„Szpilki”, 1954.

The Guarded Beach
Charles de Gaulle and Harold Wilson
„Szpilki”, 1967.

Eryk Lipiński was one of the founders of the Polish poster school. He was also the initiator, commissioner and participant of the 1st International Poster Biennale in Warsaw in 1966.

Poster for the American film Casablanca, 1947.

Poster for the Polish film Skarb (Treasure), 1948.

Poster for the theatre „Syrena”, 1948.

Poster for the cabaret „Dudek”, 1967.

Poster for the Polish film Niedzielny Poranek (Sunday Morning), 1955.

Poster for the French film Jego rybki (Poisson d'Avril), 1956.

Poster for the English film Dzień Szakala (Day of the Jackal), 1975.

Poster for the English film Joseph Andrews, 1978.

He collaborated as a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer with the magazines: “Szpilki” , “Mucha”, “Przekrój”, “Karuzela”, “Literatura”, “Zwierciadło”, “Polska”, “Stolica”, “Świat”, “Świerszczyk” and others.

No caption, 1978.

No caption, 1983.

„Otek”, (a caricature of Otto Axer, a friend of Eryk Lipiński), appeared in various incarnations on the last page of „Przekrój” in the 1960s.

Eryk Lipiński was the author of many posters for exhibitions held at the Museum of Caricature.

Poster for the exhibition at the Museum of Caricature „Grzechy nasze” (Our Sins), 1984.

Eryk Lipiński has also illustrated many books for children.

In 1978, together with Hanna Górska, he wrote the book Z dziejów karykatury polskiej – a scientific study on the history of Polish caricature. He also published many other books, mainly humorous and memoirs, among others Erl-69 donosi and Pamiętniki (Memoirs).

Eryk Lipiński was the main initiator and first president of the Association of Polish Caricature Artists SPAK in 1987. Today, SPAK awards the annual “Eryk” prize for achievements in the field of caricature

In 1991, he was awarded the title “Righteous Among the Nations” by the Yad Veshem Institute in Jerusalem

Since 1983, the Museum of Caricature has been located at 11 Kozia Street, and since 2002 it has borne the name of its creator, Eryk Lipiński.